delthaPROST® is a food supplement containing Teoside, Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), NAcetylcysteine, Resveratrol and phytosomal Turmeric (Meriva) and pumpkin seeds.
The prostate is a gland attached to the male genitourinary system which physiologically tends to increase in volume with age. This change, which is absolutely benign, can result in obstruction of the urethra (the duct connecting the bladder with the outside to ensure emptying) and give rise to the so-called LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms): increased frequency of daytime and night-time urination, difficulty in emptying the bladder completely and a feeling of heaviness, difficulty in delaying urination, weak flow, etc. In addition, the prostate can become inflamed both acutely and chronically, which also leads to LUTS.
delthaPROST® is useful in restoring and maintaining normal function and protecting the balance of the male urinary system by exploiting the synergy between innovative and natural components.
Product included in the supplement register of the Italian Ministry of Health under the no. 111289
Disclaimer: The information provided represents general information, is not intended to constitute a diagnosis, and in no way replaces medical advice. You should rely on the advice of your doctor and/or a specialised expert.